
A website "redo" doesn't have to mean big bucks or an enormous effort. Like a good "sprucing up" around the house, sometimes all you need is to move around the furniture.

Green Arrow

Do I need a complete "redo" of the website?

  • Jul 24, 2024
  • By Marie J. Liebetrau, President, Potomac Digitek

A website "redo" doesn't have to mean big bucks or an enormous effort. Like a good "sprucing up" around the house, sometimes all you need is to move around the furniture.

moving furniture

Sticking with the home decorating example, have you come to realize that a fancy dinner around an elegant dining room table is no longer how you entertain? Maybe you've become more of a burgers-and-brats-on-the-grill sort of entertainer. So is it time to repurpose that huge dining room into a rumpus room for your grandkids? Or make it your hobby room so you can bring all those fun projects out of the dingy basement?

Your website is no different. If you're looking over your homepage and realize that the initiatives and programs that were important years ago are no longer the organization's priority, then it's time to move things around. Put the re-prioritized revenue sources and strategic goals in places of prominence. Even if you're not ready for a full website redesign, you can still use the same layout and just swap out content areas.

So, think about what the organization stands for today and what really should be taking places of prominence. You're not the same person you were five years ago and neither is your organization. So toss some mustard on the brat and move some furniture!

And a special thank-you to our client for inspiring this post.

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