Work smarter, not harder. Or ... leverage your existing resources for additional income.
Short story: You've already got a lot of great content sitting on the shelf (conference recordings, webinars, etc.)
Longer story: Recently, one of our long-time clients launched a new Learning Management System (LMS) and we spent a good amount of time discussing what content they would present for the system. Thankfully, we came up with a great plan before programming even started.
This client already had a huge collection of recordings and presentations from past meetings and webinars. The content was all still relevant and would be a big help to newbies in the community. Couple that with the members' need for CE credits to maintain their certification and accreditation and you've got a home run!
For an added bonus, the client brought in industry partners (sponsors) by adding their logos on relevant recordings for a fee.
If you want to implement a plan like this, call PODI. You may already have the tools on your site that allow for a simple implementation of this scenario. Or we can talk about enhanced options, too.